What Trout See, Hear and Smell - Advanced Fly Fishing Tips

What Trout See, Hear and Smell - Advanced Fly Fishing Tips

In this lesson, we will go into specific tips that will help when you’re scouting for MONSTER trout. I would like to start with what you need to know before you even get to the water. I’m not talking about how to cast, or which flies to use.

In this lesson, we will go into specific tips that will help when you’re scouting for MONSTER trout. I would like to start with what you need to know before you even get to the water. I’m not talking about how to cast, or which flies to use. You can find these lessons in the beginner and intermediate sections of the Drifthook Members Portal.

In the advanced series, we will be diving into specific scenarios to help you land MONSTER trout, and the first thing you need to learn is the species you’re hunting.

We will be learning three main things in this lesson:

  1. How does a trout see
  2. How does a trout hear
  3. How does a trout smell



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