Wet flies are simple to cast and catch, and they assist you with covering a large amount of water and are versatile fly for fly fishing.

In its most basic form, a wet fly is a fly designed to resemble a bait fish in the water column while also imitating a variety of insects and emerging insects. Most wet flies are sparsely tied with a sparse amount of hackle and have thin bodies, making them ideal for casting.

Traditionally, wet flies have quill wings, their bodies are coated with herl or floss, and their hackle is usually long and flowing back over the creature's body. Some patterns also feature prominent tails or tags, which are particularly noticeable.

Traditional We Fly

Most wet flies can be classified into four categories: winged wets, soft hackles, wingless wets, and fuzzy nymphs.

As previously described, the wings of winged wets are typically bound together with duck, pheasant, or turkey feathers. Wet flies with soft hackles have slender bodies made of herl or floss, and their hackle is made of water-absorbing feathers like those found on Hungarian partridge.

The appeal of employing feathers like this underwater is that they move naturally, undulating and appearing to be alive. Flymphs are nymphs who have had their fur spun loosely and spiky over a colorful body, giving them the appearance of being changed.

Some may be covered in soft hackle fibers to give the impression of legs. Fuzzy nymphs are tied with loosely termed fur, a collar placed to the front of the fly and made out of long strands that are occasionally brilliantly colored to create a fuzzy appearance.


When it comes to wet flies, there is no single best fly, just as there is no single best fly for any other sort of fly.

On average the best fly is the one that elicits a strike from the fish. When selecting which wet fly to employ, your primary concern should be matching the flies that are hatching at the time of selection.

To be more specific, which flies among those that hatch underwater are hatching at the present time. Several classic wet flies are recommended to keep on hand at all times as a backup plan.


Cast across and slightly downstream, and allow the drift to play out entirely before removing the hook. Put another way, let your line drift straight downstream before casting and beginning a new one.

When wet fly fishing, one of the most prevalent tactics is to add or remove weight—the weight aids in the descent of the fly. Depending on the intensity of the current, you may need to add weight at times or remove weight at other times to keep your fly near the top of the water.

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